Category: "Nutrition" Articles

July 1, 2023
Selecting what you need from an app might be easy, but it doesn’t do much for your local economy. Purchasing from chain businesses can also harm the planet. Take control over your health, wallet...
June 1, 2023
Working on your landscape is working on your mind as well. Permaculture is the implementation of sustainable, permanent agriculture. Permanently nourishing our land and body. Wolfert, the founder of Symbiosis Regenerative Systems, has been...
June 1, 2023
Hillside Farmacy has been a charming fixture in East Austin for eleven years, providing good food, great atmosphere, and one of the most popular brunch destinations on the Eastside. The team behind Hillside Farmacy...
June 1, 2023
Seeing the fruits of your labor displayed at one of Austin’s many farmers’ markets can be incredibly rewarding, but knowing that you are also helping Austin to be more sustainable can be equally rewarding....
May 19, 2023
Organic foods are available at your local grocery store, but growing a superfood garden is another way to ensure healthy eating. What is a superfood garden, you ask? And why grow one? Let us...
May 1, 2023
Diet culture often comes in full force as the summer month approaches and beach-ware is pulled out of the shadows of our closets. With bikini season comes “swimsuit-ready diets” often compiled of detoxes and...
May 1, 2023
With summer comes not only water sports and beach vacations but all the fresh fruits that will soon be available in Austin. Summer is a great time to enjoy fruits that are not easily...
May 1, 2023
Both delicious and healthy, this flavor-packed recipe is sure to make a splash at your next gathering! Made with fresh ahi tuna and a hint of spice, it’s the perfect dish for a day...
May 1, 2023
It’s May, so Austin’s temperatures start to creep into the high 90s. Chances are high that your water consumption is increasing due to the rise in temperature and the amount of sweat your body...
April 18, 2023
Nothing is worse than being out in the middle of the lake paddle boarding without adequate water or out on a long hike wishing you had packed food. Being out on the go and...
April 1, 2023
Unlike the controlled conditions of treadmill running, outdoor trail running is chock full of unforeseeable challenges. From uneven terrain daring you to trip to unpredictable weather, many factors are out of your control. However,...
April 1, 2023
Our team brainstormed what we typically bring for an adventure in the great outdoors, and most people said they pack sandwiches for hiking, picnics and boat days, which is why we went that route. ...
April 1, 2023
It’s Jan. 31, 2023. The temperature is negative 30 degrees Fahrenheit, and on top of that, the wind is piercing. A team of five is about 5,974 meters above sea level with about 1,000...
April 1, 2023
Achieving proper nutrition is one of many challenges when roughing it out outdoors. The stakes are high when it comes to eating, and the convenience of fast food is no longer a phone call...
April 1, 2023
Fatigue, aching and frustration… but miles and miles to go; this is the conundrum experienced by both elite and amateur runners.  Long-distance running is energy-depleting yet requires an abundance of fuel. Marathon runners must...
April 1, 2023
We, humans, who were once dependent on manually gathering food from our environment now simply head to our local grocery store for sustenance.  Though agriculture has shifted the way we find food, it’s still...
March 18, 2023
At the grocery store, you’ll probably notice food products with seals and certification badges. Some are legitimate from governing bodies like USDA Organic and private organizations, and others are subjective opinions from the owner...
March 1, 2023
This month’s featured recipe highlights Scooby Stew, a meal for your pup that will leave them satisfied and healthy. Ingredients:  2 1/2 cups water 1 cup brown rice 2 cups sweet potato, cubed 2...

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