6 Best Fruits to Keep You Healthy This Summer

With more fruit ripening in the coming months, summer is ideal for enjoying fruit and its plentiful health benefits.

By Charlotte Wells – May 1, 2023

With summer comes not only water sports and beach vacations but all the fresh fruits that will soon be available in Austin. Summer is a great time to enjoy fruits that are not easily accessible during other seasons; plus, the fruits are refreshing for hot summer days.

Woman at market

Here’s a guide to some of the best summer fruits in Austin:


One of the most popular fruits in the U.S., strawberries are usually at their peak in May and June. They’re full of antioxidants, which help reduce oxidative stress and lower cardiovascular risks. Strawberries are also known to improve cholesterol levels and gut health. Having a healthy gut is an instrumental part of feeling your best, as it can help reduce fatigue/lethargy, mental health issues, chronic pain and inflammation. Overall, strawberries are a great source of minerals, fiber and vitamins.


Blackberries are another great source of vitamins and antioxidants. Packed with vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese, they help create energy and boost immunity. Additionally, blackberries provide the fiber that can help improve digestion, regulate blood sugar levels and balance weight fluctuation.

Plus, they’re low in calories and carbs, so you can enjoy this sweet, refreshing snack guilt-free. They reach peak ripeness in June, so start looking for them at your local grocery stores and farmers markets!


Another great summer fruit in Austin is peaches, which are at their best beginning in June. The sweet fruit is a good source of potassium and other nutrients, and it contributes to better heart health, improved digestion and a stronger immune system. Peaches also support healthy vision thanks to vitamin A, and they’re thought to lead to smoother skin.


Reaching their prime in June, melons such as honeydew, cantaloupe and watermelon are the perfect summer snacks for any occasion. With a high water content, these melons are low in fat and especially refreshing during the summer heat.

All three of these melons are rich in vitamins A, B and C and potassium, which help promote a healthy immune system and heart, as well as rid the body of toxins. Cantaloupe is also a good source of carotenoids, an antioxidant that maintains healthy eye function, and folates, a nutrient that maintains healthy growth and function in cells.


Plums are another great refreshing summer fruit and generally become ripe in May. They’re incredibly sweet and full of juice at their prime. High in vitamins and minerals, plums offer fiber, potassium and natural sugars. They also provide many antioxidants, which have been found to help reduce inflammation.

Plums are even thought to help regulate and lower blood sugar, as the fiber found in the fruit helps slow the rate at which your body absorbs carbs after eating, preventing a spike in blood sugar levels. Aside from containing fiber, plums have the potential to raise adiponectin levels, which helps regulate blood sugar.


Grapefruit tends to become ripe in May, just in time to become a summer staple. This citrus fruit offers lots of fiber, which is important for gut health, weight management and healthy cholesterol levels. It also provides plenty of vitamin C — one medium-sized grapefruit provides enough vitamin C to meet the recommended daily amount. Additionally, they contain enough vitamins and minerals to provide about 50% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin A.

Summer farmers market

Where to Find These Summer Fruits

Many farmers markets in Austin run year-round, but summer months promise an even greater variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Below are some markets in Austin to check out if you want to enjoy summer fruits at their best.

  • Barton Creek Farmers Market: Open Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Barton Creek Farmers Market sets up at Barton Creek Square. It’s known for its vendors selling fresh bread, Fredericksburg peaches and other organic produce.
  • Sustainable Food Center Farmers Market Downtown: This market sets up at Republic Square in the center of downtown Austin every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. It offers drinks, art and an array of food — from farm-fresh eggs to locally brewed kombucha.
  • Lone Star Farmers Market: The Lone Star Market runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Sunday at the Hill Country Galleria, offering over 40 booths to check out.

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