Tag: "Family" Articles

February 18, 2023
Golfing isn’t just for business associates or teens trying to get a college scholarship; it can be for the family, too! Golf can be an experience for the entire family, regardless of skill or...
February 6, 2023
Education around family nutrition sounded a lot like this when I was a child: “You’ve got to start eating more vegetables, or YOU WILL DIE!” I was that child who ate from three “food...
December 1, 2022
With the holidays coming, I’m often asked about how to maintain boundaries with family members. The truth is, there are many ways to support yourself in upholding boundaries, leading to a successful holiday season!...
September 1, 2022
According to a study on autism and developmental disabilities, children with physical disabilities or special needs benefit greatly from interactions with animals. In fact, animal-assisted intervention is used in these spaces, serving as a...
June 1, 2022
It can be hard to find time to stay active between the daily activities of a parent. Luckily, many tasks increase the time you spend moving around, but you may still be looking for...
March 7, 2022
Dogs are “man’s best friend,” right? Try mom’s best friend. When you’re sad, they’re there to hug you. When you’re celebrating, they jump with you. Dogs are undoubtedly any family’s glue. No matter how...
February 21, 2022
When families and individuals thrive, our community grows stronger – and never has the need for strong community been greater than right now. When you get involved with the YMCA of Austin you get...
February 1, 2022
A life fulfilled doesn’t always look the way you imagine it. For some, a life fulfilled looks like a traditional family in a house with a white picket fence. For others, it looks like...
December 1, 2020
2020 has been a year full of unpredictable surprises. Over the past 10 months, we have deepened our understanding of COVID-19, how it is transmitted, how it affects our bodies and its short and...
April 5, 2020
Unfortunately, there is an apparent disconnect between American youth and proper nutrition. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the prevalence of obesity in a 2017 study was 18.5 percent and...
April 2, 2020
After the birth of their first child, Christophe and Patricia Ponsart ran a triathlon together. Then they did it again after their second kiddo, and yet again with their third. The tradition checked a...
April 1, 2020
What comes to mind when you think of a home gym? Is it a garage turned into a partial gym space? One-half fits actual fitness equipment, while the other half is filled with storage...

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  • Austin Fit Magazine
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  • Austin Fit Magazine
    Strength Training for Kids?
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  • Austin Fit Magazine
    Prioritization in Triathlon Training
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