Articles By: Austin Fit Magazine

December 2, 2010
Come Christmastime, you may not get that Kindle or iPad you wanted. But there’s probably one thing you can count on: tons of holiday parties.
December 2, 2010
Health and fitness is a booming business, and you can always make a quick dime off convincing someone they can get fit by taking a pill or wearing a special belt without changing their...
December 2, 2010
Abdominal exercises are an important part of any fitness and strength program. A strong core helps you perform better during athletic activity and can help prevent against many types of injuries, including those that...
December 2, 2010
Everyone needs a crowd-pleasing appetizer recipe during the holiday season. Serve these at your next party and watch them disappear in a hurry.
December 2, 2010
Oh silly fit people, you amuse me. Especially those of you who have ALWAYS been fit. You know the type. The ones who were competitive high school athletes, studied kinesiology and now wear Nike...
December 2, 2010
Even though it’s rarely a deterrent, bikers know that injuries and accidents come with the territory of biking outside. This knowledge may not prevent a ride, but after a crash, many times the first...
November 10, 2010
You Can Teach an Old Turkey New Tricks One of the biggest events in Austin all year, the ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot will celebrate its 20th anniversary this month with a new venue and...
November 10, 2010
Staying fit and healthy is about more than exercise, and cold and flu season takes a toll on even the most active athletes. Here are a few diet tips to stay healthy this winter. Fill...
November 10, 2010
Last month, Learn Vest posted a chart that compared the day-to-day expenses of a vegetarian, vegan and meat eater. By creating a hypothetical one-day menu for each diet, Learn Vest concluded that vegans have...
November 10, 2010
Few who visit Austin in the fall—or any season for that matter—are likely to overlook the vibrant fitness culture our residents enjoy. Unlike almost any other city in the country, health and fitness is...
November 10, 2010
As the moms featured in this issue have shown us, raising children doesn’t have to influence a mother’s ability to stay healthy. Moms who keep up with a fitness routine get all of the...
November 10, 2010
What would Thanksgiving be without rich, delicious pie? What would rich, delicious pie be without tons of calories? Well, you wouldn’t think it would be rich. Or delicious. But that doesn’t have to be...
November 10, 2010
It’s almost time, bikers of Austin. Time to drag out your sweaters, gloves and, sigh, lock up your bike. Austin bikers definitely have it easier than our neighbors to the north, but we still...
November 10, 2010
Add a twist to your Thanksgiving dinner by combining sweet potatoes and roasted walnuts with an orange jalapeño dressing.
November 10, 2010
Sometimes it's hard to find the motivation to workout, especially when there isn't anyone else around to give you that extra push. But when we're struggling to convince ourselves to hit the pavement, we're...
November 10, 2010
Sugar is bad and we need to stop eating so much of it. The problem is that we’re addicted. Somewhere between that first taste of cotton candy to the Red Bull you had this...
November 10, 2010
Happy Black Friday! Nothing replenishes the body after early morning shopping like a big plate of Thanksgiving leftovers. But I'm already sick of leftovers. So what to do now? Here's a list of 10...
November 10, 2010
Okay, athletes. It’s time to voice your opinion. What makes a sport, well, a sport? The number of fans it has? Players? The level of enthusiasm it evokes? And does it really matter if...