
December 30, 2011
Contrary to popular belief, hydration isn’t just for hot, Texas summers. Staying hydrated has many benefits in the winter season for a multitude of reasons. With winter comes low humidity and dry air which...
December 30, 2011
Today, Wednesday, December 7th 6:15pm -7:15pm: Managing Stress Seminar at Powers Family Wellness Center, Austin, TX“Stress kills” It’s more than just a saying, it’s the truth. Learn how to overcome stress. Your health and...
December 30, 2011
We may take for granted that the rest of the world looks at everyday things the way Americans do but, as any traveler knows, that’s not necessarily the case. What says more about everyday...
December 30, 2011
Colin’s Hope: Drowning Prevention In May 2010, I had surgery to repair an injury; thankfully, I was allowed to swim after a few weeks. While in physical therapy, I learned of a four-mile open...
December 30, 2011
One of the most comforting things in the wintertime is a hot, steamy, delicious bowl of soup. While a can of Campbell’s gets the job done, homemade is always the best (and healthiest) choice. So fire...
December 30, 2011
It’s fragrant, delicious and it’s the reason many of us make it to work in the morning: coffee.  Now I’m not saying it’s the nectar of the health gods, but it’s not as bad...
December 20, 2011
Is there a fit Fido in your life? Does Spot keep you running? Can Max track or herd cattle? Has Princess got some amazing retrieving skills? Austin Fit Magazine wants to know! Nominate your...
November 4, 2011
  I want to preface this article first by explaining that I’m not a nutritionist or registered dietitian. However, it’s been necessary for me to gain a practical working knowledge of nutrition as it...
November 4, 2011
With Thanksgiving a mere week away, I thought I’d explore a myth that’s been around for ages: Does turkey makes us sleepy? Perhaps we’ve been telling ourselves this to justify our Thanksgiving after-dinner naps,...
November 4, 2011
Thanksgiving is finally upon us, and while it’s easy to blame our poor eating habits on the holiday, it’s not the smartest decision. However, fear not because “smart” eating doesn’t mean you have to...
November 4, 2011
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first in a three-part series on healthy food choices. Our goal is to help decipher some of the marketing language and tricks used to promote a food as “healthy”...
November 4, 2011
From calories to the ANDI (Aggregate Nutrient Density Index), managing your nutrition can require a lot of number crunching. In the course of putting this issue together, we came across some incredible numbers. Here...
November 4, 2011
Some places to live seem to promote a more healthy lifestyle than others.  Here in Austin, those places tend to encourage folks to exercise, eat right, and take care of themselves.  Perhaps it’s proximity...
November 4, 2011
Currently, as I am writing this, it is wet and rainy in Austin (crazy right?!) and I believe I even felt a chill in the air. That’s right, it is finally beginning to cool...
November 4, 2011
In the midst of our record-breaking summer heat, what Austin runner didn’t sweat buckets? Odds are if you carry a cell phone during your run, you worried about killing it with all that moisture....
November 4, 2011
by Individual Businesses Have you ever wondered exactly how your favorite restaurant makes that delectable meal you love? Austin restaurants give you the inside scoop on how to make their healthy dish! www.wholebitemeals.comOrganic Beef...
November 4, 2011
Macaroni and cheese, pizza, plain noodles – this menu sounds like that of a child, and a picky one at that. What if I told you these were a few of only a handful...
November 4, 2011
Halloween has come and gone and many pumpkins now sit neglected, collecting cobwebs and wallowing in their post-season funk, waiting for their next shining moment: Thanksgiving. And with the next holiday comes food, lots...
November 4, 2011
I was waiting for the shuttle bus to take me to my volunteer post at the Ironman 70.3 Austin in October when I struck up a conversation with a group of women all wearing...
November 4, 2011
For those of us who couldn’t brave the crowds this past “black Friday”, there’s still hope for some great deals online today. “Cyber Monday”, as today has come to be known, provides some amazing...