
July 30, 2022
Understanding macros and how to count them can seem confusing and daunting but it doesn’t have to be that complicated. Here is a breakdown of what macros are, how to count them and how...
July 27, 2022
A friend reached out recently and asked me, “Do those posture correction devices work?” Unfortunately, as a physical therapist, my answers tend to land in a gray area… like, “It depends.” As a health...
July 24, 2022
While golf can have the reputation for being a serious sport, that’s not always the case. In fact, the game can be a lot of fun and is a great option for a casual...
July 21, 2022
Everyone has heard people tout the mental health benefits of exercise — when you move your body, your brain releases endorphins that make you feel energized and happy. But what happens if you work...
July 18, 2022
Menopause can be a confusing and challenging time, and although it is a phase in every woman’s life, many still report being surprised by the symptoms and not feeling equipped to deal with what’s...
July 15, 2022
Being a personal trainer can be a highly rewarding career — you spend your days helping others reach their goals, see their strength and confidence grow, and make a lasting impact on their health...
July 12, 2022
Between now and around October, Texans will sweat just by walking from their car into the grocery store, without so much as lifting a weight or running a mile.  Sweating is our body’s way...
July 9, 2022
I’m sure you’ve heard of personal training, and you might have even tried a few sessions at your local gym, but have you considered working with a trainer online? There are many benefits to...
July 8, 2022
If you suffer from arthritis, and your symptoms are flaring up, moving your body can seem all but impossible. Although it may seem counter-intuitive, there are many reasons why getting your joints moving is...
July 6, 2022
You’ve only got so much space and money to invest in your home gym. When it comes to at-home cardio training, most people buy one machine. The two most popular choices are the treadmill...
July 3, 2022
After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, Austin’s official Free Day of Yoga is returning! This citywide event is a 20-year tradition that is celebrated on Labor Day, where studios open their doors...
July 3, 2022
Can you drink alcohol and still reach your body goals? The short answer is yes. However, it’s crucial to understand how alcohol isn’t exactly helping. 1. Alcohol takes priority! Alcohol is a toxin, so...
July 1, 2022
What goes on behind the scenes at a nonprofit shelter? How are donations being used to rescue pets? In late June, Austin Pets Alive! invited the public to find out what goes on over...
July 1, 2022
On July 26, 2021, Yufei Zhang took home the silver medal at the postponed 2020 Tokyo Olympics after completing the women’s 100-meter butterfly event in just under 56 seconds. About two months later, Lizzi...
July 1, 2022
We are all building (or breaking down) our bodies every day with the choices we make. But for competitive bodybuilders, the process of creating an incredibly muscular and toned body is taken to the...
July 1, 2022
The beauty of Austin’s many parks certainly beckons us to take our exercise outside, soak up the warm weather and enjoy all our city has to offer. But before heading out for an outdoor...
July 1, 2022
With summer at its peak, oceans are a popular place to cool off — but the swimsuit you wear could be harming the very oceans you’re swimming in. Many swimwear brands use materials that...
July 1, 2022
Genetics is the answer to many questions about how a body looks and functions. Understanding your body’s genetic predisposition gives great insight into how to work with your body to reach your desired goals....

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    Prep for Ski Fun
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  • Austin Fit Magazine
    Programming 101: The Formula f...
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  • Austin Fit Magazine
    Fit Talk w/ James Finck – President/CEO of the Y...
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