Tag: "Goals" Articles

February 1, 2023
When people asked what they wanted to be when they grew up, few people actually become what they once said as bright-eyed and bushy-tailed children — except for Travis Morin and Riley Damiani.  Both...
January 1, 2023
Throughout my coaching career, I’ve identified five accountability styles that I use on my clients and myself. Understanding these styles, and which ones you might lean toward, can help you achieve your goals, whether...
December 15, 2022
It’s almost that time again. However, I won’t participate in the annual “purge” — the one where you banish bad health habits and promise to live a squeaky clean, high-protein, vegan, macrobiotic lifestyle, nor...
December 3, 2022
How will you be different in a year? You get to choose.  One way to influence your future is to set a goal because, in any goal, there’s always a desire for a different...
December 1, 2022
New Year’s Eve marks the finish line of this year and the new beginnings we all so greatly desire. A new year is the starting line of new hopes and dreams — all things...
June 27, 2022
Cheat days can’t exist. That’s how we shoot ourselves in the foot. Instead of the word “cheat,” we can use “indulgent,” which better explains a realistic experience for nutrition. While cheat meals can’t exist,...
April 18, 2022
With so many different fitness plans available, the prospect of selecting the right one can be intimidating. Each program looks completely different, so how are you supposed to know which will actually work?  While...
March 25, 2022
You are looking for motivation but can’t find it. Habits you wanted to implement haven’t been sticking. You blame yourself, say you aren’t motivated and beat yourself up over it. Some people are more...
February 1, 2022
From a young age, Troy Aikman remembered only ever wanting to be a professional athlete. Now, after 12 years of playing football for the Dallas Cowboys and 21 years of being an NFL sportscaster,...
December 27, 2021
Every year as New Year’s Eve comes around, we tell ourselves we’re going to do “all the things.” Everything that’s good is in, everything that’s bad is out and we are going to be...
November 1, 2020
Over the years, I’ve noticed that the times when I am the happiest and feel the most fulfilled is when I am doing something meaningful for someone else. I hear the saying, “You have...
February 1, 2020
Do you have to spend hours on a treadmill to get an effective workout? If not, how long do you need to move to get the results you want in the gym? Is it...
January 15, 2020
2020 is fast approaching. It’s your year to crush those fitness goals and achieve the new you. We all love to set goals for the new year. One of the top resolutions year-after-year is...
January 1, 2020
It’s that time again, the time to make resolutions…But don’t let your resolutions die after February, keep them up! Our Self Improvement Guide includes local gyms, medspas, fitness studios and wellness spaces that will...
January 1, 2020
With each new year, new beginnings bring hope, anticipation and expectations of better things. For many, this is specifically targeted toward health — healthy lifestyle, weight loss, changes in eating patterns, moving more. But...

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