Category: "AFM" Articles

September 5, 2012
Can you stand on one foot for 15 seconds with your eyes closed?  Before you answer, try it.  Surprised at your results?  After age 25, our sense of balance slowly begins to decline. When...
September 5, 2012
It’s 5:45 a.m. and I’ve already hit snooze once. I slowly fumble out of bed. Boudreaux, my yellow Lab, barely raises his head off his pillow to acknowledge my presence—even he thinks it’s too...
September 5, 2012
Withings Body Scale Where to Find It: Best Buy,, Product Cost: $165 The digital scale tracks your weight, body fat/lean mass, and BMI by connecting to your Withings account (setting up your online account...
September 5, 2012
The North Face named Bicycle Sports Shop of Austin, TX the winner of The North Face Never Stop Exploring Award. The award, a $5,000 grant of the Explore Fund, recognizes a specialty dealer that...
September 5, 2012
Roasted chickpeas are a healthy way to add crunch and nutrition to salads. They are also great served as an appetizer. For this recipe, try using a mandolin to cut the vegetables thinly. What...
September 5, 2012
Many of us fitness-crazed adults have surely been on the receiving end of some mixture of astonishment, confusion, intrigue, befuddlement, skepticism, and judgment from friends and family members who question what would ever possess...
September 5, 2012
For a long time, everyone has known that exercising as you age keeps your body as youthful, strong, and healthy as possible, but what about cognitive function? Is there something you can do to...
September 5, 2012
There is a Latin saying: “Mens sana in corpore sano”—a sound mind in a healthy body. This is true. But the reverse applies just as well when it comes to training and racing; your...
September 5, 2012
As we put this, our “Mind/Body” issue, together I kept thinking of that old bumper sticker: “If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” A mildly amusing phrase, but true of so many situations. You...
September 5, 2012
That doesn’t sound like a very catchy song title, does it? In 1981, Olivia Newton-John came out with a hit song called (Let’s Get) Physical, but she never got around to our version. How...
September 5, 2012
Old School Video Jacques Anquetil was a renowned French cyclist during the '50s and '60s. He was the first cyclist to win the Tour de France five times. Scan the QR code to see...
September 5, 2012
Mermaids have captivated human imagination for centuries. All sea-faring cultures have mermaid tales—stories of beautiful women, half fish, half human, who live in the sea. While modern science has debunked the myth of the...
September 5, 2012
1913 Year Stotti Georghios swam 200 feet below the surface to retrieve an anchor and became the first recorded freediver 100 Number of meters (328 feet) freediver William Trubridge plunged without aid, setting a...
September 5, 2012
In 1984, the world was introduced to the TED conference. “TED” is an acronym for “Technology, Entertainment, and Design,” and the TED conference was designed to bring people from these three fields together to...
September 5, 2012
Deep in the ocean, hundreds of feet below the surface, Tanya Streeter is in her element. She wears a skin-tight, silver body suit over her tall 5-foot 7-inch frame and a mono fin that...
September 5, 2012
Our issue this month focuses on the mind and the body. And because each of us has a very personal connection with these two, one would speculate that we should have a reasonable understanding...
September 5, 2012
Our toddlers are nothing if not energetic. Unlike so many adults, our little ones don’t have to push themselves to be active. Instead, we have to urge them to occasional moments of relative inactivity....
September 5, 2012
Ask any professional athlete whether he or she gets nervous before a competition, match, or race and all will say the same thing: “Yes; no matter how long you have been in the sport,...