Tag: "healthy relationships" Articles

February 1, 2024
It is talent that brings an athlete to their sport, but the heart and mind propel them to excel. As sports psychologist Sylvain Guimond states, “80% of athletes’ success is mental.” Combine athletes in...
February 1, 2021
The pandemic and lockdown may have changed the name of the dating game, but it’s also presented new challenges for couples. In some cases, the lockdown sped up relationships, prompting either engagements or breakups....
February 1, 2021
Wife. Mom. Daughter. Instructor. Coach. Sister. Employee. Friend. Caretaker. And oh, yes, Me! Where does one find time to wear all the “hats” that life hands out? Iit seems every year brings a new...
February 1, 2021
Love is the core of our human experience. Throughout history, love has been the motive behind war and peace, acts of madness and grace. It has inspired countless folk tales, novels, songs and other...
February 1, 2021
Smartphones accompany everyone, everywhere, all the time — to the gym, to work, to happy hour, while we’re eating and even to bed. For many, it’s the first thing one sees when they wake...
November 17, 2020
In a relationship, anything that affects your partner also affects you — which includes mental health. Whether one or both of you struggle with a diagnosis of a mental illness, it can create extra...

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