Category: "Diet" Articles

April 18, 2023
Nothing is worse than being out in the middle of the lake paddle boarding without adequate water or out on a long hike wishing you had packed food. Being out on the go and...
April 1, 2023
Unlike the controlled conditions of treadmill running, outdoor trail running is chock full of unforeseeable challenges. From uneven terrain daring you to trip to unpredictable weather, many factors are out of your control. However,...
April 1, 2023
It’s Jan. 31, 2023. The temperature is negative 30 degrees Fahrenheit, and on top of that, the wind is piercing. A team of five is about 5,974 meters above sea level with about 1,000...
April 1, 2023
Achieving proper nutrition is one of many challenges when roughing it out outdoors. The stakes are high when it comes to eating, and the convenience of fast food is no longer a phone call...
April 1, 2023
We, humans, who were once dependent on manually gathering food from our environment now simply head to our local grocery store for sustenance.  Though agriculture has shifted the way we find food, it’s still...
February 1, 2023
As a college student, walking into a dining hall with endless possibilities can be overwhelming. One meal swipe allows you to pile up your options till you can’t eat anymore. But having a meal...
February 1, 2023
Living a full life is easier with a full stomach.  According to a review from the National Library of Medicine, aging adults are facing nutritional deficiencies that cause a decline in health. But, with...
February 1, 2023
As our bodies change with age, so do our nutritional needs. The physical changes that accompany aging require us to pay attention and adjust our diet as necessary. Adrien Paczosa, chief clinical officer and...
January 24, 2023
Are you an ectomorph, endomorph or mesomorph? These aren’t alien names but rather the most common body types that shape our structure – including muscle mass and body fat levels. In the 1940s, Dr....
January 18, 2023
Fitness and nutrition can seem confusing and complicated, in no small part thanks to the abundance of information and misinformation inundating our social media and news feed daily. With the impatience and short attention...
January 12, 2023
As “natural” and holistic practices have increased in popularity, figuring out how to approach detoxification of the body hasn’t been left out of the equation. In fact, you can naturally detox your liver by...
January 1, 2023
How far is too far to get the perfect body and mindset? Plastic surgery can change your appearance, sleeping pills can help with insomnia and Tylenol can ease chronic pain – but what if...
January 1, 2023
Not all fats are created equal; some are better than others. There hasn’t always been the question of which fats to eat — at one time, the only fats available were found in virgin...
December 30, 2022
We were always raised to eat enough veggies, but how much is too much? Plant foods, such as spinach, potatoes, peanuts, almonds and chocolate, contain oxalates, which can be overconsumed, leading to the development...
December 1, 2022
Do you ever find yourself going for a second helping of a meal and later realizing you ate too much food? Overeating can feel miserable for several reasons — it's uncomfortable, it can drain...
December 1, 2022
Temperatures drop, nights lengthen and mashed potatoes become a dinner staple — welcome to winter.  As the weather changes, so does your appetite. The winter appetite can be caused by a combination of many...
November 9, 2022
Fueling your body with proper nutrition while undergoing physical therapy for an injury may not be a thought that comes to mind initially, but according to the American Physical Therapy Association, nutrition is crucial...
November 1, 2022
Is soup considered a “healthy food”? Why do people recommend eating soup when we’re sick or injured? To understand how healthy food works, it's important to know our bodies are made up of cells...

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