Tag: "Yogis" Articles

January 15, 2021
The New Year is traditionally a mark of a clean slate; a fresh start; an opportunity to begin again. As we wrap up what may have been one of the most confronting years of...
October 29, 2020
The pandemic has undeniably changed the way we yoga, and as a new studio, this has been especially true for us at My Vinyasa Practice. Although our online studio has been active since March...
August 27, 2020
In support of the BIPOC community, My Vinyasa Practice partnered with Yoga Pose to offer the Yoga Teacher Scholarship in Support of Black Wellness. As a result, over 7,500 BIPOC were gifted access to...
September 16, 2019
Whether you’ve lived on your mat for years or are new to the world of yoga, you want to get the most out of your workout. Yoga literally means the union of breath and...

Up Your Health & Fitness Game

Stories from the community and the latest on health, nutrition, fitness and wellness.
  • Austin Fit Magazine
    Tricks to Treat Yourself
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  • Austin Fit Magazine
    Healthy No-Cook Camping Snacks
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  • Austin Fit Magazine
    Keep Fit and Train Like a Pro Sports Athlete
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