Category: "Diet" Articles

November 1, 2022
Last year, I surveyed my Instagram followers on which quarter of the year is the most challenging to stay on track with taking care of their bodies. The overall consensus was the last quarter...
October 1, 2022
Since 2005, you could say this has been Amy Nelson’s focus — the connection between one’s gut and brain. In a past life, Nelson was a nuclear chemist who wanted to change careers and...
September 1, 2022
Throughout my life, I’ve tried countless diets including, but not limited to, paleo, carnivore, keto, Whole30, bodybuilding, master cleanse, vegetarian, and vegan. But one of the greatest journeys was going raw vegan for an...
August 24, 2022
For those with thyroid issues, everything from menstrual cycles to hair texture can be affected While fitness and nutrition are vital in alleviating symptoms, there are unbeknownst secrets about them (i.e. fitness could possibly...
August 16, 2022
If you’ve been to a grocery store in the last 10 years, you’ve probably seen something about the newest fad diets, thanks to diet culture. Today’s food labels are filled with terms like “paleo-...
August 13, 2022
You may have heard the words “food allergies,” “intolerances” and “sensitivities” used interchangeably, but they are very different from one another. Food allergies are the least common but most dangerous and affect 1 to...
August 1, 2022
Diets are becoming an increasingly popular trend, not only in Austin but across the country. However, are these diets safe to follow on a regular basis, especially for children? Many think diets like veganism...
July 30, 2022
Understanding macros and how to count them can seem confusing and daunting but it doesn’t have to be that complicated. Here is a breakdown of what macros are, how to count them and how...
July 3, 2022
Can you drink alcohol and still reach your body goals? The short answer is yes. However, it’s crucial to understand how alcohol isn’t exactly helping. 1. Alcohol takes priority! Alcohol is a toxin, so...
July 1, 2022
Americans are always looking for shortcuts. According to a 2013 Gallup poll, 50% of Americans take some type of vitamin supplementation. If you ask most of them what each vitamin and mineral does, they...
July 1, 2022
In our modern culture, we say things like, “I could eat,” or “I can always eat.” We eat when we’re bored. We go to the fridge when work stalls. We eat when stressed. We...
June 30, 2022
Finding the perfect diet can often seem like a quest for the Holy Grail. You know it’s out there, but you have very little idea where to start looking.  However, the one thing you...
June 27, 2022
Cheat days can’t exist. That’s how we shoot ourselves in the foot. Instead of the word “cheat,” we can use “indulgent,” which better explains a realistic experience for nutrition. While cheat meals can’t exist,...
May 1, 2022
Things have started heating up. If you’ve had enough of winter, summer’s heatwaves are starting to erase the chill from your bones. Should your diet change with the seasons? Many people find that their...
April 9, 2022
You’ve heard the old trope time and time again from fitness instructors, trainers, coaches and influencers — fitness is 30% exercise and 70% nutrition. Whether your goals are performance- or body composition-based, working out...
March 1, 2022
Unfortunately, dogs can’t talk to humans. They can’t say when they need more or less of something, so it’s up to their owners to recognize when a dog doesn’t have all their nutritional needs...
February 7, 2022
If you’re looking for ways to improve your health, look no further – just add seafood to your diet! Many people worldwide feature seafood as a routine part of their meals and see regular...