Personal Training for Busy Professionals

Time Efficient Workouts

By Daniel Martin – July 18, 2023

Physical activity is one of the best things you can do for your health. Constant physical activity helps regenerate health, body, brain, muscle, etc. When we are physically active, we are helping our brain improve, manage weight, reduce the risk of getting diseases, strengthen the bones and muscles, and improve our ability to perform our day-to-day activities.

Everybody, old or young, is capable of experiencing physical body-building exercises irrespective of age, strength, ethnicity, shape, size, or even profession. Often, we mistakenly view physical exercise as a strenuous task. But the truth remains that if we get involved in these activities, we may avoid falling ill and prevent our smooth flow of activities. Engaging in physical activities can include scheduling online coaching sessions, personal training, nutritional guidance, weight loss activities, and home exercise programs. Austin, Texas, is a great place for personal training. They offer you personal coaching and training and go out of their way to give you tips to maintain and keep fit irrespective of your tight schedule.

Time-efficient workouts allow you to schedule your timetable appropriately to fit in. Before we explore these workouts, let’s consider some tips to help busy professionals incorporate personal training into their schedules.

Time-efficient personal training for busy individuals

Time Efficient Training

  1. Yoga
    • Yoga is a highly time-efficient workout for busy individuals. It has a lot of benefits, including getting rid of stress, reduction of anxiety, healing sore muscles, etc.
    • Yoga can be done with intensity or slowness. Whichever way you choose it can be done in 20-30 minutes.
  2. Weight Lifting
    • Lifting weight according to your body size can be another way to workout in a small time window. It helps to increase bone density, prevents unnecessary injuries, pumping of irons to boost your mood, building of muscles, etc. An efficient weight-lifting workout can be between 10-20 minutes.
  3. Pilates
    • Pilates involves a machine resembling a guillotine on its side, equipped with straps and a platform to provide varied resistance.
    • Exercising with Pilates requires pushing and pulling against the machine’s resistance. It uses variable spring resistance to allow muscle contraction while reducing the stress on the joint and various connecting tissues.
    • Unlike weight lifting, within 20 seconds, pulling a Pilate machine is enough to strengthen your muscle.
  4. Running
    • Running is one of the most accessible workouts to do. It’s also very time efficient. Running over an extended period allows you to hit high levels of energy further into workouts constantly.
    • Running allows your body to generate energy before the next round of exercises. It also helps you burn calories as much as possible.
    • Running 20-40 minutes keeps you active for the day.
  5. Squats
    • Squats are known as high-intensity interval training because it allows you to move or exercise at a high level and rest in between. Short rest periods will enable the body to have quick bursts, which turns your body into a furnace that burns calories. You can perform this workout in 20-30 minutes.

Personal training tips for Busy professionals

  • Make your workout a daily schedule: This might sound absurd, but one way to keep fit and maintain a healthy body is to add your training as a daily schedule. You can do this by drafting a calendar or timetable for your entire day. Check out when you are less busy, in the morning or evening. When you have done this, set out 5-10 minutes for your workout.
  • Wake up earlier: most of us have busy schedules and do not work out. We may have to work from morning till night. If you run around this circle, it will be vital for you to set an alarm that wakes you up early. When you do so, go on and do your workout before you set out for your daily job. Set an exercise program that fits your time frame to make this easier.
  • Use apps that track your fitness journey: our smartphones aren’t just for social media; they also help us track our fitness. They help count your walking steps, running distance, sleeping hours, and more.
  • Eat healthily: Studies have shown that 90% of individuals who maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise routine successfully lose weight and keep it off for an extended period. Most times, eating healthy diets like vegetables, nuts, cereals, etc can even help you lose weight without even exercising. If you are finding it difficult, you could get online nutrition coaching. Here you get to learn from an experienced nutritionist who will guide you properly on the appropriate meal portions. They can even direct you on when to eat them and times to workout in between meals.
  • Associate with a support team: Collaboration can be motivating. Sometimes, a little push from one or two people is all we need to get to the gym. You can even opt for personal training with an experienced gym or coach instructor online or virtual. Whichever way, make sure to get someone who supports your fitness dream and helps you achieve valid results.
  • Take a break sometimes: Remember to take breaks: It’s common to feel exhausted from training, particularly when experiencing muscle strains or backaches. During these times, we may question the importance of exercise. Just as much as your food is, that’s how necessary your training is. At the same time, how we take breaks between meals should be how we should take breaks when we experience fatigue. You could take a day or two to rest for recovery. When you feel okay, you can go back. That’s the right way to maintain fitness.


Regardless of your profession or schedule, maintaining fitness is crucial. Investing in personal training is worthwhile, and the results are consistently visible, irrespective of initial perceptions. Try to carve out time for engaging in online exercise programs or virtual coaching classes. The more fit you stay, the healthier you become.


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