AFM Field trip: Castle Hill Fitness

By Sarah Schneider – December 3, 2012

I’ve heard many good things about the infamous Amid at Castle Hill Fitness. A former employee of AFM and a very close friend always told me he put together the best group fitness classes.  Finally, our day came, and we had the opportunity to get a good ole’ butt-kicking with his cardio kickboxing class. From the moment you meet Amid, you think Energizer Bunny, but like a ripped out version that knows karate and can motivate you. So, be prepared. It doesn’t stop until he’s done. Don’t worry though, he’s in it with you, going through the motions, supporting you start to finish.  It’s that kind of dedication you want from your trainer, and your gym. I was sore for a week, and it felt damn good! Overall, I highly recommend Amid and the CHF gym for anyone looking to get their butt-kicked, but in a beneficial, “I’ll be stronger, leaner, happier” kinda way. : )

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