FAQ April 2014

By AFM – April 1, 2014

Q  How can I overcome the blues after resolution season or my big race?

A: Post-race blues can happen after completing your A-race and can include lethargy and an overall sad feeling. To get out of your funk, try signing up for your next race, even if it’s a long way away. Having a new goal will let you make some sense of your training. Don’t forget to also allow yourself some less rigorous exercise. Activities like yoga and team sports can help you relax and cheer up.

Q  Is there something I can do to kick start weight loss so that I don’t burn out on a diet immediately?  

A: Congratulations on starting your weight-loss journey! There are a couple things you can do to make sure you don’t burn out immediately. First, don’t consider your change as a diet. Consider it a lifestyle. Calling it a diet will make you less likely to enjoy doing it, and can hinder your success. Next, take baby steps. Gradually start to phase out what might not be the best for you. For example, have a chocolate chip cookie once a week instead of once a day. Finally, start incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet. Before you know it, you’ll be craving carrots instead of chips. Best of luck!

Q  How important is your BMI for your overall health long term?

A: Your BMI is a calculation of your weight-to-height ratio. Generally speaking, a healthy weight is one that equates with a body mass index of less than 25. A BMI between 25-29.9 is considered overweight, and a BMI of 30 and above is considered obese. While measuring individuals BMI is the easiest way for a doctor to measure obesity for the mass population; it is not a good indicator for an individual’s status. Your BMI cannot distinguish between fat and muscle. Muscle and bone are more dense than fat, so an athlete or a more muscular person for example may have a higher BMI when they do not have a high percentage of body fat. Your BMI cannot distinguish between the different types of fat in your body and where they are being stored. Visceral fat, for example, is a bad fat found in your stomach and will not look any different than good fat that is simply sitting under your skin. Therefore, keeping track of your weight and body fat percentage is much more important for your long-term health than worrying about your BMI.


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