Cap10K Scott Cochran

By AFM Team – February 10, 2022

The AFM Team is getting to shine the light on the ‘21-’22 Cap10K race ambassadors. Scott Cochran is one of the race ambassadors for the upcoming 45th anniversary of the race who is excited to share his role and his excitement for the race in April!


AFM: What does the Cap10k mean to you?

SC: Cap 10k to me holds a personal place in my heart. When I first got into the running community in 2007, I more so did it as a hobby and a way to lose weight. Living in Austin, I quickly learned there’s a family of runners out there you never knew existed. My girlfriend’s family had always done it, so I decided to jump in and see what an organized race was all about.

AFM: How long have you been affiliated with the race?

SC: I’ve run the Cap 10k countless times, but I’m new to the organization. This is my first year as an ambassador and seeing only a glimpse of how much hard work goes on behind the scenes to make that one day a year memorable for all that participate makes me appreciate it so much more.

AFM: How did you become a race ambassador?

SC: When I was asked to be an ambassador for the Cap 10k I was shocked, but honored and excited to say the least. It was during the beginning of the pandemic and A LOT of virtual races were taking place. I also participated in an Austin Marathon virtual challenge where you could win prizes if you logged the required amount of activity that day. Uploading my activity to Strava on a daily basis, I became friends through the Strava app with one of the organizers and before you knew it I was asked to be an ambassador.


AFM: What is the process to become a race ambassador?

SC: I believe the more you put yourself out there, network with other people, join running groups… You put yourself in a good position to be recognized.

AFM: What does it mean to be an ambassador for the Cap10k?

SC: Being a race ambassador, particularly really a first of it’s kind approach that is being taken with this ambassador’s program is humbling. It’s the largest 10k in Texas. It’s hard to put into words what it means to be a part of such an incredible race that means so much to so many.

AFM: How excited are you to be participating in the 45th anniversary of the race?

SC: Keep in mind I wasn’t even born yet when this race first kicked off. I hear stories though from my girlfriend’s family, some of whom have participated at least 40 times and to hear how much it has changed over the years is incredible. Parts of the town lake trail were used as part of the course for a little while and that blows my mind to imagine that now given how many people participate today. To be able to be a part of a race that so many families have participated in on it’s 45th birthday is truly humbling given its history to this city.

AFM: How excited are you being a race ambassador after the unfortunate events that caused the race to be cancelled over the past couple of years?

SC: The Cap 10k had a run of bad luck given the timing with Mother Nature over the last few years and coupled with the pandemic made it very difficult to keep that tradition of everyone gathering together to enjoy that day, but we’ve made it through it! Tradition was carried on with virtual races though and here we are on the other side of all that and stronger than ever. Very anxious to see everyone’s smiling faces on race day!

AFM: As a race ambassador, you are representing the Cap10k, how does that feel?

SC: Representing the Cap10k is in one word FUN! With responsibility welcomes a lot of fun!

AFM: Are you planning on participating in the upcoming race or will you be helping out?

SC: Currently I’m registered to run, but plan on doing both. Seriously can’t wait to be out there again with everyone. It’s going to be a memorable day!


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