Stop Kickin' the Tires

By Stephanie Twohey – May 1, 2016
Photography by Brian Fitzsimmons

1/ Tire Flip 

Step 1 

Feet shoulder width apart
Squat down with flat back
Hands slide under tire palms up
Shoulders lean into tire

Step 2 

Deep breath in and hold 
Brace core
Drive through heels and push upward with whole body
Keep shoulders in contact with the tire to avoid strain on biceps

Step 3 

Explode up out of the squat, generating momentum under tire
Keep back straight 

Step 4 

As tire comes up, flip hands quickly to push the tire forward
Step one leg forward and push with whole body to complete the movement

Aaron Winning at GRIT Strength + Conditioning

 2/ Standing Tire Pull 

Step 1 

Feet shoulder width apart
Squat down with a flat back
Breathe in and brace core
Grip rope or chain with a split grip
Push through heels
Rotate trunk while pulling the tire toward you

Step 2 

Reach forward with the other hand
Rotate trunk while pulling the tire toward you

Step 3 

Continue the sequence until tire reaches feet

Aaron Winning at GRIT Strength + Conditioning

 3/ Halo Lunges with Tire 

Step 1

Bring tire into overhead position with arms completely straight
Stand with feet shoulder width apart
Deep breath in and brace core

Step 2 

Start the lunge by driving knee up
Keep arms locked out 
Keep core engaged

Step 3  

Extend leg forward and down into lunge
Keep arms locked out
Keep core engaged

Step 4 

Lunge down with weight in heel and knee stacked vertically on ankle
Back knee touches the ground gently for full range of motion
Keep arms locked out
Keep core engaged
Repeat on other side

Aaron Winning at GRIT Strength + Conditioning


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