Workout of the Month: Castle Hill Fitness

By Castle Hill Fitness (SPONSORED) – February 28, 2019
photography by Brian Fitzsimmons


Castle Hill Fitness

Downtown Location:
1112 N Lamar Blvd Unit B
Austin, TX  78703

360 Location:
3801 N Capital of Texas Hwy I-100,
Austin, TX 78746


(20 seconds each)

1) High Knees
Running in place slowly, bring your knees up towards the chest.

2) Butt Kicks
Running in place slowly, bring your heels towards your glutes.

3) Front Heel Touches
Standing with feet shoulder width apart, bring the heel of your foot to the opposite hip.

4) Knee Skip
Rear Heel Touches
Standing with feet shoulder width apart, bring the heel of your foot to the opposite glute.

The Workout

(8 movements 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions)
Veera Korjala is demonstrating Level 1, Jeremy Sims is demonstrating Level 2.

1) Bosu Squat

Level 1: Stand on the round side of the Bosu ball  with a hip width stance. Inhale bend the knees to lower hips down while keeping your knees aligned with your feet. Exhale return back to starting position.

Level 2: Stand on the flat side of the Bosu ball.

2) Bosu Renegade Row

Level 1: With the Bosu round side up, place one hand in the center of the ball and the other on the ground beside the ball. Exhale pull the hand up keeping the elbow by the ribcage. Inhale return to the starting position.

Level 2: Place your feet on top of Bosu while in a high-plank position. Exhale pull the hand up keeping the elbow by the rib cage while lifting opposite leg off the Bosu. Inhale return to the starting position.

3) Bosu Lunges

Level 1: Start with your feet together a couple of feet from the Bosu ball. Step sideways to let your foot land on the Bosu ball. Squat down and then push your foot back up and bring your feet together.

Level 2: Start with your feet together a couple of feet from the BOSU ball. Step sideways to let your foot land on the BOSU ball. Pulse it out for a count of ten and then push your foot back up and bring your feet together.

4) Bosu Deadlift

Level 1: Stand on the round side of the Bosu ball with a hip width stance. Inhale hinge forward while pushing the hips back and keeping the chest open. Exhale slowly return to the starting position.

Level 2: With the flat side up, place one foot in the center of the Bosu. Inhale hinge forward while drawing the other leg up so you are parallel to the floor. Exhale return to standing position keeping the leg lifted throughout the set.

5) Bosu Push Up

Level 1: With the Bosu flat side up, place your hands shoulder width apart and maintain a high-plank position. Inhale slowly bend the elbows and lower the chest 1-2” from the Bosu. Exhale return to the starting position.

Level 2: With the Bosu round side up, place one hand in the center of the ball and the other on the ground beside the ball. From the high-plank position bend the elbows and lower the chest with an inhalation. Exhale return to the starting position.

6) Bosu Bridge

Level 1: Lie flat on your back with your feet hip width apart placed on the round side of the Bosu. Inhale slowly raise your pelvis and hips toward the ceiling. At the top of the movement squeeze your glutes together and hold for 3-6 seconds. Exhale slowly lower yourself back to the starting position.

Level 2: Lie flat on your back with one foot placed on the center of Bosu with the round side up, and the other leg straight up. Inhale slowly raise your pelvis and hips toward the ceiling while squeezing your glutes together. Hold at the top for 3-6 seconds and exhale slowly lower yourself back the starting position.

7) Single Leg V-Up

Level 1: Lie on the Bosu with the round side up. Place the lower back on the center of the Bosu with one leg extended and the other drawn in on the floor. Exhale lift the extended leg upright while reaching up with your hands touching your shins.

Level 2: Lie on the Bosu with the round side up. Sit on the center of the Bosu with both legs and arms extended out. Exhale lift both legs upright while reaching up with your hands touching your shins.

8) Side Plank

Level 1: Lie on your side and place your bottom elbow on the round side of the Bosu with your legs extended and your feet staggered on the ground. Exhale lift your hips off the ground and hold.

Level 2: Place your feet on top of the Bosu and lift the hips up to side plank on your elbow. Inhale extend your hand up toward the ceiling and exhale slowly lower the raised hand, reach under your bottom hips. Slowly return to the starting position.

Cool Down

(20-30 seconds holds)

1) Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch
Place one knee on top of the Bosu and one knee bent in front of the Bosu. Shift your weight forward until you feel a stretch in your hip.

2) Kneeling Hamstring Stretch
Place one knee on top of the Bosu and extend one foot straight in front of you toes pointed up. Keep back straight and shift weight back until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings.

3) Pigeon Stretch
Sit with your right knee bent and left leg extended behind you. Place right knee to right wrist and right ankle under left hip. Feel the stretch on the right hip.

4) Scorpion Stretch
Start face down on the mat with your left arm stretched out to your side and right arm under chest. Slowly lift right leg off of the floor, cross it over your body and touch the floor on the other side. Feel the stretch in the front of left shoulder.


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