Ask Sam Now

By AFM Team – June 30, 2018


Should I switch from whey to collagen protein?

Dear protein-seeker,

There are a lot of health and fitness seekers making the switch from whey to collagen, or using both, in their regimens. In order to tell you which is best, I’d first want to know your goals, health history, current health status, age, and reason you’re considering the switch. All of that matters. Since I don’t have that information, I’ll lay out the benefits I found to help you decide. 

Collagen is naturally found in bone broth. It has 19 amino acids and is the key protein to enhance the cohesion, elasticity, and regeneration of all of our connective tissues. Collagen binds are like the glue that holds us together, and gives us shape and integrity.  

As we age, our body produces less collagen in our skeletons, tendons, muscles, skin, and teeth. Studies have shown collagen helps osteoarthritis, improves bone formation (including gums, nails, hair, teeth, eyes), and improves metabolism. Research identifies collagen as the key component for regenerating strength and flexibility in torn joints, muscles, and ligaments. It can also help with weight loss and exercise performance.

Whey is a protein mixture with a significant amount of essential amino acids—different from collagen. It is known to act as an antioxidant, and antitumor, and increase our immune health, lower blood pressure, enhance exercise performance, increase muscle mass, weight loss, and strength. Research also documents using whey in the treatment of HIV, cancer, hepatitis B, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, depression, and as an antimicrobial agent. 

Choosing between the two isn’t an easy decision. Know there are side effects to both, and the quality and correct dosage are essential for your success. I strongly urge you to get with an expert (dietitian or health and wellness coach). Go ahead and trust the professionals to help you get stronger.

Is “hangry” a thing?

Dear hangry,

Yes, it’s true. We all probably know someone who gets a little hangry, or maybe you do yourself. After not eating for long periods of time, our blood sugar drops, affecting our hormones (neuropeptide Y, cortisol, and epinephrine) that trigger aggression and irritability. 

Hunger affects everyone differently, but typically the longer your body goes without food, the more likely you are to become hangry. Sometimes hanger happens through no fault of your own. You could be sitting in traffic, stuck at work, or waiting for an appointment and suddenly your stomach rumbles and you start feeling grumpy, light-headed, and impatient. For situations like these, try keeping nutrient-rich foods or a protein shake at the office or in your car. Nuts are a great go to, as well.  

Here’s to health and happiness, not hangriness. 

Why should I add kombucha to my diet?
What are the benefits?

Not everyone feels this way, but I find kombucha pretty tasty. However, the benefits are an added bonus. Let me give you my top five.

  1. It gives your immune system a boost. Since it’s a natural antibiotic, it helps get rid of all the bad bacteria in your system. 
  2. It aids in digestion and a healthy gut because it’s loaded with healthy bacteria. The probiotics, enzymes, and yeasts it has increase food breakdown and allow for more nutrient absorption. It also promotes a healthy gut flora and PH level. 
  3. It helps keep your joints healthy and prevents against arthritis. Athlete or not, we all can use this.
  4. It has butyric acid. This helps to kill parasites, strengthen your gut wall, and protect against yeast infections. 
  5. It’s loaded with Vitamins B and C. This helps ease stress levels, curb sugar cravings, lower your risk of heart disease, and increase memory functions. 

Enjoy the Kombucha. 


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