Heart Rate Social

By Audrey Lee – January 31, 2019


It seems we do everything through an app these days — dating, business, finding friends and even finding your perfect workout partner. Heart Rate Social is an innovative new app that connects people interested in health and fitness for exercise accountability, friendship or even love. 

Launched in fall 2018, HRS was created by Christopher VanBerg, a longtime tech professional as well as a fitness coach for over 10 years.

Throughout his time in the fitness industry, VanBerg found that sticking to fitness and health goals is a more successful endeavor when one has support and is held liable. 

The app helps health- and fitness-minded people find this support through dating, friendship, social circles and workout buddies. VanBerg also knew a health-conscious city like Austin, was the perfect place to start. 

“The idea came to me when I was single and using the normal dating apps,” VanBerg says. “I was constantly seeing people who drink in all their photos, or who don’t take their health seriously — I wanted to meet people who were more like me — people with a passion for health.” 

It was clear to VanBerg that many users of typical dating apps do so through the confines of activities like partying and drinking. Given that other apps do not cater specifically to health-conscious people, the meet-ups resulting from using these apps often stem from vices that do not accommodate to certain people’s lifestyles.

“I have lots of friends who have tried several of the popular dating apps and they almost unanimously report most dates occur at bars or parties that revolve around drinking and or other vices that really don’t lead to an early morning run or yoga by the lake or even an afternoon hitting the weights,” user Ken Laneyn says. “For me, Heart Rate Social just makes sense. I’m looking for a woman who shares my passion for living healthy and desire to live life to the fullest.” 

Another user, 27-year-old Libby Hill, recently competed in the Miss Texas pageant while working on a Nutrition degree at the University of Texas. She also works as a personal trainer, leaving little time to meet people. After being introduced to Heart Rate Social, Hill found it catered to her needs of meeting a workout buddy. 

“I’m in a relationship, so I am not looking for someone to date,” says Hill. “I like that HRS allows me to find a running buddy or someone to do Bikram yoga with or maybe even get a bunch of fit girls together for a surfing trip.” 

So whether it is finding a romantic partner with similar interests, or a companion to work out with and hold you accountable, HRS offers an outlet for everyone to further their fitness passions



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