FAQ – February 2015

By AFM Team – February 1, 2015

Q: What’s the best way to cut and de-seed a pomegranate? 

A: For as nutritious as pomegranate seeds are for you (purported health benefits range from decreased joint inflammation to cancer cell prevention), they are equal parts messy and delicious when you de-seed them. Unless you are a huge fan of horror films, you probably don't want your kitchen looking like the prom scene from the movie “Carrie.” Trust me, I learned the hard way. It took several towels and an industrial-size squeegee to clean up my mess.

 Finally, I turned to Google seeking wisdom and learned a simple, fast, and clean way to extract those yummy seeds. Here’s how: 

Cut around the entire rim of the pomegranate, but not all the way through. (You don't want to ruin the seeds.)

Pull the pomegranate apart.

Find a large mixing bowl and fill it half way with water. 

Dunk one half of your pomegranate in the water and start digging away at the seeds with your hands. (They come out easily and the only thing that turns color is the water in the bowl. No post-murder scene clean up! The rind rises to the top of the water and seeds sink to the bottom.)

When finished, drain the water and enjoy the colorful seeds on top of salads or blended into your next smoothie!


Q: Is there such a thing as too many supplements?

A: The old cliché, “Too much of a good thing is a bad thing” can certainly apply to taking too many supplements. In an article published in U.S. News and World Report, Dee Sandquist, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics said that more is not better when it comes to vitamins. Specifically, she said, taking in too much of Vitamin A, C, E, and zinc may actually cause health problems like nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. Check with your health care provider to see if you are deficient in a particular vitamin before starting on supplements, and always follow the recommended dose. What may be a safe amount of supplements for one individual could be dangerous for another. 


Q: How far is too far to take your dog for a run?

A: Okay, so I'm a cat person, and I have to admit they are the worst running partners! (Actually, they're the best. If you don't want to go far or fast.) Dogs are much more suitable partners for your running regimen. However, it’s important to understand that not all breeds are built for running. Before you start training for a marathon with your furry friend, consult with your vet on how much exercise is good for your pup. In addition to the size and breed, things to consider when taking your fuzzball for a run are your dog’s age as well as the weather conditions. Dogs can't whine like us humans can about being hot, tired, and thirsty, so be extra cautious about the terrain and mileage you take them on. If your pup shows any sign of pain or excessive panting, stop and make sure they recover. Geez, come to think of it, I've been known to suffer from excessive panting during my runs too. Hmmm…



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