KMB: Outright Training & Performance

By Monica Brant – April 2, 2012
Photography by Brian Fitzsimmons

In the last few months, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to renew my love of competitive sprinting. Since graduating high school in 1989 (I know, I’m dating myself), I have continued to run sprints but for no other purpose than getting in a great workout. Those of you who have sprinted competitively understand that making your times during practice is essential. If you are just out there for a little workout, then you really only push yourself so hard.

At any rate, I’ve been working with an amazing coach since mid-November, 2011, and have competed in three track meets here in Austin. I’m happy to say my latest 100m time of 12.82 is now second in the country in my age group. I’m also racing in the 400m and 200m with respectable times so far! I’m extremely excited about these results and feel quite blessed that I can actually still do this after all the years off.

With my competition schedule in mind, I strategically planned this particular KMB feature as my last workout before my February 26 meet, knowing full well that David Braswell at Outright Fitness would not allow for anything other than Kicking My Butt! As I drove across town to Yellow Jacket Stadium, I was anticipating the pain…any sprinter knows you can’t get around the pain; you just have to allow it to flow over you while staying relaxed in the midst of it. It’s a total mind game.

David did not let me down! We first met at the past track event (which I might add was 36 degrees for the entire meet), so he had an idea of what I was all about and how I was running. There was a lively group of all ages and abilities, and we had lots of variety in the warm-up. I learned a few new foot drills (which I have practiced on my own since), and we had all lengths of beginning runs at different paces. After running, we went into some strength and conditioning plyometrics with barbells. Again, these were new drills to me, which I have already incorporated into my own workouts! (One of my favorite things about the KMB feature is learning new exercises.)

After fatiguing ourselves with the barbell exercises, we went back to running some longer sprints. My legs were tired, but the energy from David and the group kept me moving along. We all tried to call “UNCLE” after finishing the sprints, but David guided us through a great series of killer core exercises. Keeping the core STRONG is key in all running, though sprinting alone works the core like nothing else! After the core section, it was time to call it a day. Thankfully, I had my Proto Whey shake for recovery as I drove home, relishing in my aching body.

David is a great example of what he coaches. He is knowledgeable and understands what it takes to train the entire body. Even if you are not interested in sprinting competitively, Outright Fitness is a fantastic group to train with. You might end up falling in love with sprinting too…or not. It’s one of those love/hate relationships. I definitely hope to go back and train with David. Maybe I’ll see you there?



provided by Outright Training and Performance with Coach David Braswell

Warm up:
400m Multi-directional followed by a 400m jog

Speed Drills:
2 x A-Skips x 20m
2 x B-Skips x 20m
2 x Lunges x 20m
4 x Build-ups x 20m

20m Flys, run 4 to get the fastest time

Speed Specific Strength/Power:
4 x Plyo/Rhythmic Split Press @ 30lbs-50lbs @ 24secs
4 x Plyo/Rhythmic High Pull @ 30lbs-50lbs @ 24secs
4 x Plyo-Squats @30lbs-50lbs @24secs

Speed Work:
2 x 250m @ 25%
4 x 50m @ 25%
2 x 250m @85%
Running Postural Strength:
4 x Resisted Sprints @ 40m

Core Work:
1 x 30 sec Prone Positioned Plank
25 x (L/R) Side Plank Crunches
25 x Dynamax Medball Seated Spinal Rotations
25 x Prone Extensions (supermans)
25 x Leg Throws
25 x Dynamax Medball Sit-up & Throws
25 x (L/R)Seated Straight Leg Lifts
ALL X 4 = 600 core movements

Cool Down
5-10mins Hip Mobility/Flexibility

Special thanks to Hair Goddess ( for great hair design and to Rogue American Apparel ( for my fun t-shirt supporting the Brothers in Arms Foundation (

Check Mo's official 100m rank at



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