2012 AFMDC Final Results

By AFM – April 2, 2012
Photography by Brian Fitzsimmons

Austin Fit Magazine would like to offer final congratulations to all the Austin runners who completed this year’s Austin Fit Magazine Distance Challenge. The chart below shows the final standings for both the half marathon track and the full marathon track finishers. These results are cumulative times, meaning that each of the finishing times from all five of the AFMDC races (IBM Uptown Classic, Run for the Water, ARC Decker Challenge, 3M Half Marathon, and the LiveStrong Austin Marathon, half or full distance) were added together to give the runner’s total. Not completing a race dropped a runner from the competition; age groups with no winner names had no runners who completed the entire challenge. Each finisher of the series received a completion certificate and a specially printed finisher’s jacket, while age group and overall winners were additionally awarded trophies at the Celebration Party held on March 9 at Thirsty Planet Brewing Company (see our photos of the fit and fabulous from AFM’s photographer). AFM would also like to extend compliments and congratulations to all the Austin Runners Club folks who managed this year’s series—well done, all!



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