Who told you that you can’t have a successful career, a loving family and a supportive group of freinds while being a bad ass with a good looking ass ?!
Come Spend 5 days with a guy who:
Dropped out of high school in his senior year and somehow made his way to graduate from a Division 1 University with magnum cum laude honors … while playing basketball at a high level.
Has worked with professional women for more than 5 years and LOVES being around them.
Who has a pretty sick set of abs. Never thirsty because i keep a six-pac on me at all times. (Don’t Laugh)
I’m not here to show you ANOTHER way on how to workout. I’m not here to put you on a diet either either because they aren’t substainable and food is delicious!
I here to show you how to prioritize YOU!
Discover YOUR best self and transform into the person you’re proud to be.
My Name is Ramell Taylor.
I’m a Former Pro Basketball Player, and a currenct Certified Fitness and Nutrition Specialist.
I have a passion for helping Professional Women reach their potential peak and unlock the person insided of you that is dying to come out and say hi.
I’m here to show you how get it done!