KMB: Pure Fitness – Pure Pump RAW Workout

By Monica Brant – February 17, 2012

I was super excited for many months about this particular workout. After meeting with Austin Fit Magazine in the fall of 2011 to discuss the upcoming issues, I understood February 2012 was going to be a “Generational” fitness edition. I immediately imagined my mom, Patti Renfro, training with me and getting her booty kicked too! My mom is ALWAYS a glutton for a good workout, so it was a done deal with her when I requested she attend.

I was also happy to head to Pure Austin Fitness to try one of their featured classes with Eli Oldham—Pure Pump Raw. I have been a huge fan of Pure Austin Fitness Centers since moving to Austin (2006) because of their great locations with lots of hospitality.

The night before the workout, Mom stayed with me (she lives in San Antonio) and we enjoyed a Friday night at home, watching a Christmas movie and relaxing.

Saturday morning, we were up and out the door, arriving right at the start of class (or so we thought). Eli, however, already had everyone going with a warm-up routine, so we squeezed into the very front spot—it was actually Eli’s spot—and started in.

Eli’s class was packed! Every nook and cranny was full, and all the weights and mats were spoken for. Somehow, we found a few extra sets outside of the room and did our best to follow along and not disturb everyone too much.

Eli has very motivating, high-energy music, and I don’t believe we stopped once except to change from dumbbells to bar to body weight. It was a fast pace, and he smoothly mixed every group of muscles; as one set tired, he knew exactly when to move us to another.

To be honest, I don’t normally attend classes of this type, but this class was hard enough that I thoroughly enjoyed myself, (did I mention great music and Eli’s inspiring physique?)

Eli is a fabulous instructor and very motivating. The entire class worked hard and no one seemed to give up or even slack! Remember, Mom and I ended up in the FRONT of the class, so we could view the entire room from the mirror—AND everyone could watch us struggling to keep up, too!

This is a perfect class for you guys looking for a full-body, intense workout. You can make it harder by lifting heavier weights or easier by lifting less. The pace is fast but not so fast that a beginner couldn’t keep up. Eli watches everyone; if someone seems lost, he is right there to help.. I know that, personally—Mom and I had a of couple spots where we needed him!

Special thanks to Lululemon on 6th & Lamar for our perfect tops and to Hair Goddess for continual great hair design!

Pure Austin Fitness

with Eli Oldham
4210 W. Braker Lane
Austin, TX 78759
(512) 342-2200

The Warm Up
Alternating between Air Squats, Push Ups, Set Ups, and Get Ups for the length of a song (usually between 2-4 minutes)

Main Set: 
Alternates between simple and combination movements

2×16 Weighted Squats
2×20 Squats with a step out to the side
16 3-down-1-up Squats
4 7-down-1-up Squats
2×16 Squats

2×16 Wood choppers
24 Squat Curls
16 Squat Shoulder Press

Right Side
16 Foward Lunge
20 Side Lunge
16 Back Lunge

Left Side
16 Foward Lunge
20 Side Lunge
16 Back Lunge

Alternating Sides
32 Curtsy Lunge

All Alternating
32 Lunge Side Shoulder Raise
32 Lunge Tricep Extention
32 Lunge Core Cross Over

16 Bent Over Rows
16 Romanian Dead Lift
16 Bent Over Row/Deadlift Combo
16 Half Speed Bent Over Row
16 Single Legged Dead Lift/Row Combo (optional)

20 Bench Press
16 Narrow Grip Chest Press
16 Wide Grip Chest Press
24 (12 ea side) Traveling Push Ups
16 Lower Half Chest Press
32 Double Speed Upper Half Chest Press

16 Push Up w/Arm Extension
16 Birddog Row
(repeat above)
24 Plank Row (optional Push Up/ Row)

16 Bench Dips
16 Heavy Curls
16 Overhead Tricep Press
12 Lower Half Curls/ 12 Upper Half Curls

24 Squat/Shoulder Press
24 Lunge/Curl
20 Wood Chopper
16 Curtsy Lunge/Overhead Tricep Press

30 sec – Plank/Lunge/Upper Body Extension
30 sec – Body Weight Get Ups
30 sec – Modified Get Ups

Cool Down:
Group Full Body Stretches

In an endless search to find the best workouts in town, Monica Brant-Peckham has agreed to be our “guinea pig” and take them on full force. Every month we’ll feature a new trainer and a different set of workouts for our readers, in the process trying to Kick Mo’s Butt!

Check out Monica Online @ &


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